
UR环球Q&A和内特 Bloemke

欢迎来到澳门威尼斯人网上赌场全球参与办公室的Q&一个系列,被称为“UR全球”.“这一举措是为了与未来的国际学生建立联系, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, 和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场人员. We’re here to shed light on the University’s leaders and change-makers who are instrumental in creating a vibrant and inclusive community, 无论是在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场还是在世界各地.

本周, 我们和内特 Bloemke坐了下来, the Assistant Director for Support and Engagement at the International Services Office (ISO). 内特 gave us the inside scoop on the cultural activities his team is collaborating on with the University community, 如何通过ISO通讯获取最新信息, 以及如何访问ISO的Eventbrite页面上的事件信息.

问:内特, tell us about your preparations for the Lunar New Year and the exciting kickoff event on February 9th at the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场. 为什么这些活动如此重要?

内特:绝对! 在过去, Lunar New Year celebrations were often scattered among different student organizations, 各自举办自己的活动. What makes this year unique is that we’ve rallied more of the entire University to celebrate together. 我们创建了一个 全球参与办公室网站的网页 它在一个可访问的地方列出了所有事件. +, we’re kicking things off with a grand event that brings together students and organizations from all schools under one roof. It’s all about fostering a sense of unity and celebrating our diverse cultures as part of the University community.

Q: ISO also plans activities that will expose international students to local Rochester traditions. 你能详细介绍一下吗?

内特: We’re not just about celebrating international cultures; we’re also looking to infuse some of Rochester’s unique traditions into our international community. 把当地风俗融入我们的日常庆祝活动中, we aim to create a sense of belonging and shared experiences that bring our students closer to Rochester and each other.

问:所以, 在本质上, you’re not only introducing the international students and their traditions to Rochester but also adding a touch of Rochester to their experiences?

内特:没错! It’s about forging a stronger connection between our international students and the broader Rochester community. 这些活动架起了文化的桥梁,让我们大家一起庆祝.

问:内特, you mentioned working closely with colleagues across the University for Lunar New Year. 你能分享更多关于你们的合作和准备工作吗?

内特:为了庆祝农历新年, 我们一直与大学各部门和办公室合作, 尤其是伯格特文化中心, 威尔逊公地学生活动, 以及华纳教育学院, 还有其他学校和办公室. 除了这些伙伴关系, 像中国学生会这样的学生组织, 越南学生协会, 韩国学生会也积极参与其中. We’re aiming for a diverse and inclusive celebration that truly represents our university’s international community.

Q: What are some of the challenges ISO faces when organizing international celebrations involving multiple communities and Schools?

内特:最初的挑战之一是让每个人都参与进来. 它始于几个有奉献精神的人, 即平复, 尼克·莫拉莱斯, 艾伦哈难, 路易丝·莉, 但随着我们的成长, 更多的人从整个大学加入了我们.  在整个过程中, 我们还发现了更多可以邀请的学生组织, such as the Singaporean Student Association and the Taiwanese Student Association. 我们的目标是不断扩大和培养团结意识.

Q: How do you think student engagement can be further improved across the University?

每个学校都有自己的国际学生活动, we believe in creating a unifying force that connects international students from all schools and backgrounds. We want everyone to feel part of one Rochester community which transcends school boundaries and nationalities.

问:ISO提供学生咨询服务和移民咨询服务, but ISO colleagues also spend a great deal of time in creating a welcoming environment. 这是为什么??

内特: This is crucial because we want international students to feel at home from day one. 我们希望他们能够表达自己, 庆祝他们的文化, 并在此期间建立一个强大的社区. It’s not just about acceptance; it’s about genuine celebration and active participation.

问:国际标准化组织有一份面向国际学生、教职员工的通讯. 人们如何订阅,为什么这个时事通讯很重要?

内特:我们的时事通讯最初只针对国际学生, 但我们正在将其扩大到包括所有国际社会成员. 如欲订阅,请透过电邮(isonews@ISO.罗彻斯特.EDU). 通讯, 由我的同事阿纳斯塔西娅Tahou设计, 让每个人都知道我们的活动, 事件, 研讨会, 还有更多.


内特: ISO有一个Eventbrite用于事件注册. 简单的 关注我们的Eventbrite页面 通过电子邮件接收事件通知. Our 事件 tend to fill up quickly, so keeping an eye on those notifications is key.


内特:我们的网站正在建设中, 我们正在重新设计我们的活动页面. Once it’s updated, it will provide a more interactive and user-friendly experience. 在那之前, we’re sharing event information through the Office for 全球合作’s webpage, 我们的ISO Instagram页面(@iso_uofr), 在校园里到处发传单.

问:内特, you’re an educator yourself and pursuing your PhD in Higher Education Administration. Can you share a bit more about your background and how you became involved in international student support and engagement?

 内特:我很早就开始热情欢迎国际学生了. Even during my undergraduate years, I was involved in a student club that welcomed exchange students. 那次经历是开始! I continued my international student engagement activities at the University of Florida, where I spent over 10 years planning 事件 for international students in the English Language Institute. My experience eventually translated into a full-time position dedicated to student engagement. 我一直喜欢旅行和探索新地方的想法. I had such an amazing experience when I studied abroad as an undergraduate student, and I wanted to create similar experiences for new international students arriving in the United States.


内特:我是2022年加入ISO的,到现在已经有一年半了. 我和温迪·弗里茨密切合作, 阿纳斯塔西娅Tahou, and a fantastic group of other colleagues and student workers to discuss and plan activities which will support and engage with international students.

问:梅里奥拉,“永远更好”是这所大学的校训. 你认为澳门威尼斯人网上赌场怎么能越来越好呢?

内特: One area we can improve is by breaking down the bubbles that tend to form among international students when they arrive at the University. Often, they quickly group up with others who share the same nationality or major. We want to encourage them to step out of their comfort zones and engage with students from different backgrounds and cultures.


我们计划去尼亚加拉大瀑布之类的地方, 莱奇沃斯州立公园, Strong博物馆, 以及纽约州其他令人兴奋的景点. These trips offer students a chance to create lasting memories and explore places they might not have had the opportunity to visit otherwise. 作为他们课业的平衡, we want their time in Rochester to also be filled with fun and unforgettable experiences.

非常感谢, 内特, for sharing these insights and giving us a glimpse into the great work the ISO team is doing to enrich the lives of international students at the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场.